On Thursday, tech giant Meta unveiled Threads, a standalone app that competes with Twitter. Meta's CEO Mark Zuckerberg remarked Threads as an addition to Instagram. Threads is a micro-blogging platform created as a rival to Twitter.
Meta stated in a public statement that
" Our vision with Threads is to take what Instagram does best and expand that to text, creating a positive and creative space to express your ideas."
In more than 100 countries, including India, Threads is accessible for download on iOS and Android devices, enabling users to find local communities across different apps.
The app's functionality is based on Instagram's account system and enables users to publish text updates, post links, reply to or report messages, and participate in online discussions. Users can connect with friends and creators, including those they follow on Instagram, by following them and following them on the app, just like on Instagram. The robust user control features built into the microblogging platform allow users to manage who can mention or reply to their posts and to filter out certain terms from thread replies. Additionally, the programme provides well-known safety features including blocking, restricting, and reporting profiles.
Features of threads
- The user's feed on Threads will show threads posted by users they follow as well as some suggested reading.
- A profile on Threads may be reported, blocked, restricted, or unfollowed.
- Links, images, and videos up to five minutes in length can all be included in posts that are up to 500 characters long.
- Users can add hidden phrases to the threads, similar to how you can do it on Instagram, to filter out replies.
- On Instagram stories, one can share a Threads post.
- Any other platform can accept the post as a link for sharing.
- Any Instagram accounts that are blocked will also be blocked on Threads.
In response to a question about how it compares to Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg stated,
"It'll take some time, but I think there should be a public conversations app with 1 Billion people on it. Twitter has had the opportunity to do this but hasn't nailed it. Hopefully, we will."