The HttpClient module in Angular is used to send HTTP requests to an backend API and fetch data. The HttpClient methods by default return an Observable that emits the response data.
While using HttpClient, api response will be expected to be in JSON format in most of the cases, and HttpClient will call JSON.parse() before it reaches subscription. Unless you explicitly state that it is not a JSON.
To return a string or text value from an API HttpClient method in Angular, can follow below steps:
Import the necessary modules:
First, ensure that you have imported the required modules in your component file. This includes importing the HttpClient module from @angular/common/http.
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
Inject the HttpClient:
In your component's constructor, inject the HttpClient module.
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
Use the http.get() method of the HttpClient module to make the API request and receive the response.
getDataFromAPI() { return this.http.get<string>('api-url'); }
In your component, you can subscribe to the returned Observable from the API request and handle the response.
handleResponse() { this.getDataFromAPI().subscribe( (response: string) => { console.log(response); // Handle the response here }, (error) => { console.error(error); // Handle any errors } ); }
However, you can return the string or text value directly from an API request using the toPromise() method and convert the observable to a promise.
Here's an example:
Create a method to make the API request and return the string value:
public async getTextFromAPI(): Promise<string> { try { const response = await this.http.get('api-url').toPromise(); return response as string; } catch (error) { // Handle error if needed console.error(error); throw error; } }
public async someMethod(): Promise<void> {
try { const textValue = await this.getTextFromAPI(); console.log(textValue); } catch (error) { // Handle error if needed console.error(error); } }
If you want to specify the response type as text when making an API request using HttpClient in Angular, you can do so by passing the responseType: 'text' option.
public getTextValue(): Observable<string> { return this.http.get('api-url', { responseType: 'text' });}
this.getTextValue().subscribe(response => { console.log(response); // The text value returned from the API });