Use of SELECT statement in SQL Server

SQL Server: SELECT Statement

The SQL Server (Transact-SQL) SELECT statement is used to retrieve records from one or more tables in a SQL Server database. The result is stored in a table, called the result-set.

Syntax example :

SELECT expressions
FROM tables
[ WHERE conditions ] ;


SELECT * FROM  [ table name ] ;

SELECT  [ column name 1] ,  [ column name 2 ]
FROM  [ table name ] ;

[ TOP ( top_value ) ]
FROM  [ table name ]
[ WHERE conditions ]
[ GROUP BY expressions ]
[ HAVING condition ]
[ ORDER BY expression  [ ASC | DESC ] ] ;


TOP ( 10 )
[ column name 1 ] , [ column name 2 ]
FROM  [ table name ]
WHERE  [ column name 1 ]  >=  50
AND  [ column name 2 ]  =  'Column Value'
ORDER BY  [ column name 1 ]  DESC,  [ column name 2 ]  ASC ;

Different Parameters or Arguments
1) ALL
Optional. Returns all matching rows.
eg. SELECT * FROM  [ table name ] ;

Optional. Removes duplicates from the result set. Learn more about the DISTINCT clause.
eg. SELECT DISTINCT [ column name 1 ]  FROM  [ table name ] ;

3) TOP (value)
Optional. If specified, it will return the top number of rows in the result set based on top_value. For example, TOP(10) would return the top 10 rows from the full result set.
eg. SELECT TOP 10  FROM  [ table name ] ;

Optional. If specified, then the top rows are based on a percentage of the total result set (as specfied by the top_value). For example, TOP(10) PERCENT would return the top 10% of the full result set.

5) WHERE conditions
Optional. The conditions that must be met for the records to be selected.
eg. SELECT * FROM  [ table name ]  [ WHERE conditions ] ;

6) GROUP BY expressions
Optional. It collects data across multiple records and groups the results by one or more columns.
SELECT  [ column name 1 ]
FROM  [ table name ]
[ GROUP BY [ column name 1 ] ] ;

7) HAVING condition
Optional. It is used in combination with the GROUP BY to restrict the groups of returned rows to only those whose the condition is TRUE.
SELECT  [ column name 1 ]
FROM  [ table name ]
[ GROUP BY [ column name 1 ] ]
[ HAVING condition ] ;

8) ORDER BY expression
Optional. It is used to sort the records in your result set. ASC sorts in ascending order and DESC sorts in descending order.
SELECT  [ column name 1 ]
FROM  [ table name ]
ORDER BY  [ column name 1 ]  DESC ;


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